Happy Healthy Humans

When I Feel Rejected Supplementary Materials


These supplementary materials are for use in tandem with the book When I Feel Rejected in order to give children an opportunity to explore and expand upon the ideas and lessons within the book

SKU: when-i-feel-rejected-supplementary-materials


Take the lessons, strategies, and steps from the book and apply to your child’s own lived experience! These worksheets walk the child through the steps as they are laid out in the book, but gives them an opportunity to process their experience by slowing down, drawing, and writing their way from managing their feelings to creating a plan to support them as they move forward. These materials are great for therapists, teachers, counselors, and parents alike! Take the lessons from the book even further and help turn a tough situation into an empowering learning opportunity.When I Feel Rejected: Building Resilience with Steps and Strategies Process Materials


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